Monday, June 29, 2009

Book List Change: Atlas Conquered

I spent a few days last week on Florida's Redneck Riviera. Love the white sand and clear water there.

Early in the trip I finished a book that took me three renewals and a post-surgery lull to finish. Ayn Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged' is a timely novel depicting the possibilities of free enterprise and limitations of government control.

There is a reason more copies of this book were sold last year than in its original year of publishing, 1957, and that is because people want to understand and read about what happens when special interests and power-hungry political operatives control pricing across industries.

Whether one sees eye to eye with all or parts of Rand's philosophy, Objectivism, it is hard not to read this book and project the points and outcomes on to today's America - a scary prospect indeed.

After getting through an introduction that was written in the airy tone of an academic, the actual novel itself was remarkably easy to read. Rand keeps your interest with sharp plot and character development whilst illustrating her greater points.

In my view, this is a must-read for everyone. I will add Atlas to the Book list and remove Andy Kessler's.



  1. I am a slow reader because I have to pore over every sentence and word at the same pace I'd read it aloud. It would take me forever to get through Rand. How DO you do it?

  2. That's how I read! Hence the need for three renewals and time out of the office!

  3. It took me from about February until the beginning of June to finish Atlas Shrugged. I did only read a few pages at a time but damn I loved it. I couldn't help but notice the overwhelming number of similarities to the situations within the book and what is happening now. Kind of scary to be honest...
