Friday, February 6, 2009


Welcome to my Blog! As the URL suggests, I want this Blog to be a place where people can discuss two out of the four taboo dinner conversation topics - money and politics. I like to discuss religion and sex too, just not here.

Both money and politics are tied together more than ever these days, but more and more I find that people and the media tend to cover them with broad brush strokes and generalizations. My goal here is to point out issues and suggest solutions.

My day job is an analyst at an investment firm and I think pork barrel spending is disgusting. However, I am an Independent and hope that will come out in the politically balanced views expressed at 2outof4.

You may disagree with some of the views and some of the advice may be lousy, but at the very least, I hope to get both you and me thinking!



  1. Johnny,
    Well done sir. I like these topics as you know. I hope to be a guest writer at some point.

    I think you should weigh in on this stimulus package....lots of $$$ and lots of politics.
    All the best,

  2. Hey John,
    Love your blog so far. I think Americans need to adjust what they understand as happiness. I fully agree on the $10 Starbucks habits. I enjoy spending $6 on a pound of coffee, brewing it at home and enjoying it in my pajamas.

    I am still figuring out the intricacies of the stimulus package, but hope for smooth resolution from both sides. I also giggle when people say "big package" or "large package. I think I just turned your blog into 3outof4.

