Saturday, February 7, 2009

Book List

Keeping up with our two out of four topics, I will try and post related books that I think are both digestible for everyone and interesting. Coincidentally, Joel Greenblatt coauthored David Einhorn's fascinating book. Please feel free to offer suggestions. I will try and read suggestions that sound interesting and post to the Book List after that. Enjoy your weekend!



  1. Here's a suggested read. These poor, poor women!

    It's the Economy, Girlfriend

  2. How about that PAW book - or is that too simplistic for my fancy pants big brained blogger!

  3. I haven't read the book below yet, but given the current situation and mood in the country I'm thinking I may need to educate myself more and this seems a good place to start.,_Economy,_and_State

    Another good book given the times:

    P.S. Congrats on the new blog, John!

  4. I'm not sure whether or not to limit Christream's access or not. But she makes a good point and the book is 'The Millionaire Next Door'.
