Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Brushed Under the Table or Not?

So, I heard during each of the last couple of commutes to work that the Chrysler Senior Debt Holders were receiving 30 cents on the dollar.

Or really?

I thought the subject of a prior post and President Obama's subjugation a few weeks ago was that a group of hedge funds and other institutional investors had held out for 60 cents on the dollar and forced the bankruptcy. This is apparently not the case:


My boss told me today that I had missed the change in the Senior Debtors stance because I do not watch Fox News. Apparently, the folks there have been up in arms about it. The news certainly did not get much play in mainstream media.

There is hope though. The Treasurer of Indiana on behalf of some Indiana pension funds was successful stalling the bankruptcy proceedings. As a result of his actions Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stopped the sale of Chrysler "pending further order".

All of these backroom dealings and leaning by the Administration is no better than some of the alleged maneuverings of the previous Administration.

Let it all play out in court and hopefully our previously sacred US contract law will be upheld. There is no reason to keep things below board.



  1. I really wish our government didn't get involved in bailing out GM/Chrysler and nationalizing GM. The bankruptcy courts should have been allowed to liquidate the defunct companies without any government interference.
    Obama should have treated the Bush bailouts as a sunk expense and let them fail at that point. If the GM boycott gains ground and union costs aren't controlled they will have to keep drawing on federal money to stay alive. How much more money will we throw away before we let them go? I will be sad that many will lose their jobs but there will be an opportunity for a fresh innovative company to fill GM's void. Long live capitalism!
    (sorry for the rant)

  2. Well said bro! How will the US fare in the long term global economy if we keep floating duds.
